Best Places to Lead

Ep 41 | Cultivating a Bulletproof Mindset in 2023 with Timmy Gallagher

Jerry Macnamara / Timmy Gallagher Season 1 Episode 41

As the dust settles from our New Year's resolutions and we go deeper into the work, we realize how much positive change comes from our mindsets. A bulletproof mindset is one that evolves from knowing yourself, your mission, and your goals through and through but also meeting this with effort.

Our guest Timmy Gallagher--an executive leader, retired law enforcement lieutenant, spiritual elder, and endurance athlete--knows a lot about how the mind can push you to new heights. His coaching and leadership services provided through Evolute Performace are all about transformation.

As always, Timmy will be generous with his insight and wisdom on many topics, including:

The survive mindset (working for a check) versus the sage mindset (working to make a difference)
How to know yourself on an ontological level, and why that is vital for any leader’s mindset
The difference between things happening to you and things happening for you

We are excited to bring insights and inspiration throughout 2023 with our hour-long sit down with Timmy Gallagher!

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