Best Places to Lead

Ep 39 | Best Places To Lead Yearend Review: How is CEO Charlie and What He’s Learned So Far?

Jerry Macnamara Season 1 Episode 39

I made a goal how can I intentionally help CEO Charlie, an avatar I speak to, he’s in his early 40s, have a successful company but want to get to the next level. I believe it's possible for any company to attain greatness. It's the leader who paves the way for that to come true or prevents it from doing so.

That's why I am working with the help of high achievers to learn how they create strong companies that surpass expectations yet still make it home for dinner. If we can build engaging businesses that are so exciting that people are shocked they get paid to do their work, that is when we win.

As we close out 2022, I want to share what I and CEO Charlie learned through the podcast I launched, the Best Places To Lead, as well as the valuable insights I got from interviews with CEOs and business experts with them unique frameworks and actionable ideas to the table that I, my audience as well as CEO Charlie can learn from and help us improve and become better versions of ourselves.

After doing 38 episodes and interviewing 28 unique and brilliant guests, what have we learned so far? What better way to cap this milestone than to walk down memory lane and unpack the most insightful moments of the show?

On its 39th episode, I took the stage to share my top insightful moments:

📝 When we realize how clarity in vision and values also sets a clear path for leadership
📝 When we learned how crucial are trust and accountability in leadership
📝 When we became aware of the true value and power of our people

Don't miss the Yearend Special of the Best Place to Lead this Thursday, 3:30 PM ET and join me LIVE, so you may share your favorite episode or insight and so I can thank you for being part of the community and helping me push the mission forward. I can't wait to see all of you! 🙂

Don't miss out on all the good stuff that is coming your way!

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